
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerRentalAccountHistory
Physical Name : LE_HST_CT_RNT_ACNT

A summary of all rentals made against the CustomerRentalAccount during the ReportingPeriod.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ReportingPeriodID (FK)(PK) The unique system assigned identifier for a particular ReportingPeriod. ID_PRD_RP Identity integer ReportingPeriod(CA_PRD_RP)
CustomerAccountID (FK)(PK) A unique identifier for a customer account. ID_CTAC Identity integer CustomerRentalAccount(LE_ACNT_CT_RNT)
RentalCount The number of RentalUnits that were rented by the customer during the reporting period. QU_RNT QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)
LateReturnCount The number of RentalUnits that were rented and were not returned promptly by the customer during the reporting period. QU_RTN_LT QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)
DamagedReturnCount The number of RentalUnits that were rented and were returned in a damaged condition by the customer during the reporting period. QU_RTN_DM QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)
DirtyReturnCount The number of RentalUnits that were rented and were returned in a dirty condition by the customer during the reporting period. QU_RTN_DTY QuantityShortCount decimal(3,0)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerRentalAccount activity is summarized in CustomerRentalAccountHistory
ReportingPeriod delineates CustomerRentalAccountHistory

Logical Views containing CustomerRentalAccountHistory

Logical View
Logical 03000 - Reporting - Macro View
Logical 03000 - Reporting - Macro View